
New LP – New Town – New Band

New LP – New Town – New Band

Nights Memphis

March 12th, 2018

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New LP – New Town – New Band

2014 I got back to Australia.  Head full of nostalgia and ideas for a new LP.  It had been over 6 years since I had been home and about 10 years since I had released an Australian born album.

I still had last set of recordings that I had massed for the last “Dark Waters” recording.  I scrapped most of the lyrics for them and re-wrote them to release a record that was musically influenced in Europe and lyrically driven by my return to Oz.

Then I went underground.

High Country Shack

I hid away in a wood-heated shack in the alpine area of Victoria, shut down the website, played only limited gigs with my local band “The Mojo Sapiens”  and re-adjusted back to my country while toying with new ideas for my first Aussie LP since 2007.  It was cold….It was dark and lonely.  But now I’m back.

A re-furbished 2018 website, a bunch of new recordings and living quarters that is civilised, I am in a whole new town sniffing around for new experiences and musicians for my next project.

Stay Tuned……


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